Locals smartly book a room here to avoid driving the spiraling roads home after dinner at Bananakeet, one of the best restaurants on island and reason enough to visit. It’s not the only reason, though. The frills-free furnishings in this little seven-room inn are clean if motel-basic, but step onto your balcony, and a world of panoramic views ★★★ is laid out before you. Perched on top of Windy Hill, rooms command vistas out over three shimmering bays, including Carrot, Apple, and Long bays, and a dozen islands and cays, like Jost Van Dyke, Great Tobago, and Green Cay. Each of the (very modest) rooms (two two-bedroom, five one-bedroom) comes with a full kitchen—which, if you’re smart, you’ll only need for breakfast and lunch; otherwise you’ll want to reserve a sunset-viewing spot at Bananakeet. Spring for the two-bedroom units, which have terraces that stretch the length of your suite. With balmy breezes and that hushed sweep of glittering blue sea, you may never want to leave.