Getting There
From Lima, Cruz del Sur buses (tel. 01/311-5050; pass through Nasca on the way to Arequipa; the trip to Nasca takes 6 to 7 hours. Ormeño (tel. 01/472-5000; makes the trip from Lima as well as Cusco (24-plus hr.) and Arequipa (10 hr.), and, like Cruz del Sur, returns to Lima. Expreso Wari (tel. 01/423-6640; also makes the long journey between Cusco and Nasca (20-22 hr.).
Visitor Information
The tourist information office (tel. 056/522-418), Callao 783 (Plaza de Armas) in the Municipal building, offers maps, hotel and tourism packages and guide information. It's open Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm. Tourist information can also be obtained from one of the travel agencies in town, such as Alegría Tours, although they are primarily interested in selling tour packages.
Fast Facts -- Banco de Crédito (tel. 056/522-445), at Avenidas Grau and Lima, has an ATM with the Visa logo, as does Banco de la Nación (no phone), Lima 431. For medical attention, go to EsSalud, María Reiche 308 (tel. 056/522-438), or Hospital de Apoyo, Callao s/n (at Morsesky; tel. 056/522-586). The police (tel. 056/522-442) are on Los Incas, next to the roundabout on Lima and Panamericana, near the Ormeño station.
The post office is at Fermín de Castillo 379, between Callao and Bolognesi. The Telefónica del Perú office (tel. 056/523-045) is at Lima 545.
Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.