
By Train -- There is no direct train service from Lisbon to Valado dos Frades. From Lisbon take the train to Cacém, in Cacém take another train to Caldas da Rainha. In Caldas da Rainha take the train to Valado dos Frades. The trip takes 3 1/2 hours and costs 10€. For information and schedules, call tel. 808/208-208 ( About 14 buses per day make the short run from the train station at Valado dos Frades to Alcobaça; a one-way ticket is 1.30€. From Lisbon to Valado dos Frades, the cost ranges from 7.50€ to 9€.

By Bus -- About 15 buses a day connect Nazaré with Alcobaça; a one-way ticket costs 1€, and the trip takes about 20 minutes. For information, call tel. 26/255-11-72 ( From Lisbon, there are four expressos a day to Alcobaça. The trip takes 2 hours and costs 7.50€ to 9€ one-way.

By Car -- From Caldas da Rainha, continue northeast along N8 for 16km (10 miles).

Visitor Information

The Alcobaça Tourist Office is on Praça do 25 de Abril (tel. 26/258-23-77; It's open May to July and September daily 10am to 1pm and 3 to 7pm, and August to October to April daily 10am to 1pm and 2 to 7pm.

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.