• Cockscomb Basin Forest Reserve (Southern Belize): This large forest reserve has an excellent network of well-maintained trails. The Cockscomb Basin Forest Reserve -- in addition to being the only dedicated reserve designed to protect the endangered jaguar -- is also home to an amazing array of tropical flora and fauna. Truly adventurous hikers can arrange to climb Belize's tallest mountain, Victoria Peak, which is found inside this reserve.



  • Guanacaste National Park (Cayo District and Western Belize): This small national park is located right on the side of the George Price Highway, about 3.2km (2 miles) north of Belmopan. The gentle trails and easy accessibility here make this an excellent choice for an introduction to tropical forests. There are nearly 3.2km (2 miles) of well-marked and well-maintained trails in the park, with several benches for sitting and observing wildlife. The park is bordered on the west by Roaring Creek and on the north by the Belize River.



  • Blue Hole National Park (Cayo District and Western Belize): This hike combines a pleasant 2.4km (1.5-mile) hike through dense primary and secondary tropical forest and a refreshing dip in the park's beautiful namesake swimming hole, or cenote. If you hire a guide, you can actually hike for several miles more inside the stunning Crystalline Cave.



  • Tikal National Park (Tikal, Guatemala): In addition to being one of the best excavated and preserved ancient Mayan cities, Tikal offers an extensive trail network running through dense tropical rainforest. Howler and spider monkeys clamor overhead, and parrots squawk through the canopy. You can see a wealth of tropical fauna here, as you slowly wander from plaza to plaza and pyramid to pyramid.


Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.